Business Challenge TreviPay voor Make-A-Wish

TreviPay Team 2024


39% bereikt van mijn streefbedrag € 2.500

Our team members use their passion and talents to collectively improve the lives of people in communities across the globe, where we live and work. We recently accepted a challenge in the Netherlands, to fulfill a wish of a child with critical illness and bring some joy to their journey through sickness. We aim to collect the necessary amount for making their dream come true by April 5, 2024. Do you want to become a part of our story?

€ 250 opgehaald

€ 500 opgehaald

€ 1.000 opgehaald

Eerste donatie ontvangen

10 donaties ontvangen

25 donaties ontvangen

50 donaties ontvangen

Een blogbericht geplaatst

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